Conversion fluid for an all engine flush
Evans Prep Fluid is a waterless cooling system flush engineered specifically to purge the cooling system of water-based antifreeze after draining and before installing new waterless coolant. Prep Fluid should be used when block drains are unavailable or cannot be removed. It is not a substitute for thoroughly draining the cooling system and related components. Prep Fluid is NOT intended to be a stand-alone operating coolant, but as a flush only.
Engine Types
For use with all engines being converted to any Evans waterless coolant, after draining 50-50 coolant from the cooling system.
Evans Prep Fluid is ready to use—no water required.
- Hygroscopically absorbs water
- Ensures all residual water is removed from the system
- Ensures that Evans coolants will meet the water content limits and provide peak performance
- Protects cooling system metals during flush
1. Remove drain bolt, followed by the radiator cap and allow coolant to
completely drain.
2. Blow high volume air through the cooling system to remove any
remaining water-based coolant.
3. Install drain bolt and fill system with Prep Fluid to flush the system.
4. Run the engine until it reaches operating temperature to circulate
the Prep Fluid.
5. Repeat steps 1 & 2.
6. Fill the cooling system with Evans Powersport Coolant and run
engine again until it reaches operating temperature.
7. Take a sample of coolant from the system and test for water that
may remain in the system. Measure the water content using the
Evans Analog Refractometer (Part #: EV-E2196).